Sabtu, 20 September 2014

THE BENEFIT Honey and lemon

Honey is known for its benefits to the health of begi with lemon. The idea of combining honey and lemon in a few generations to benefit from both of these natural ingredients. The benefits of pure honey and a mixture of fresh lemon juice is great for the digestion component as well as lose weight. Not only that, this mix of many other benefits for the health of the body including the boost the immune system. Lemon and honey have properties that are beneficial to the digestive system.
Digestive problems

Poor digestion can occur from a variety of causes, but usually involves a lack of acidity in the stomach. Although the process was first pulverize food occurred in the mouth but the liquid gastric acid is very important to break down food even before it reaches the small intestine. Some digestive problems can reduce the capacity of the digestive tract can cause bloating, flatulence and abdominal pain. Conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's also reduces absorption. Lemon and honey have properties that are beneficial to the entire digestive tract.
Content of lemon

The lemon juice is very acidic, especially since citric acid contained in lemon. The acidity of lemon juice can help the capacity of gastric acid to digest food is chemically, which not only brings more nutrients to be absorbed into the intestines, but also reduces the symptoms of indigestion, bloating and heartburn. Lemon juice is also showing antimicrobial properties and is a rich source of vitamin C which is good for the body, with the combining of honey and lemon juice will be able to reduce the occurrence of infections throughout the digestive tract. Lemon juice also contains calcium, magnesium and potassium. Lemon juice can help relieve heartburn, lemon juice also has an effect in alkalizing the blood and other tissues, which stimulates the immune system and slows the growth of various types of microbes.
Properties of honey

Honey is also an agent of anitmocrobiano mainly due to an enzyme that can produce small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, according to "Nutrition". Thus, the benefits of honey can be used to treat external wounds, abrasions, minor burns and acne, while maintaining the same properties when consumed and can reduce some forms of gastritis. Types of honey has the potential of different types of honey have different potential in antimicrobial and manuka honey is a type of honey which produced the most powerful antimicrobial. Honey has antioxidant properties which could be fight free radicals that are often associated with tissue damage and cancer. The antioxidants contained in the pure honey help digestive health with which to fight free radicals, reduce inflammation and changes the chemical toxins.
Mix the honey and lemon

Honey and lemon have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and is a good source of nutrients, although some people consider the flavours of honey is too cute to be eaten, and lemon juice is too sour, a combination of the two with mixed with warm water to get the combination of flavors were scrumptious. You can add 30 ml of warm water with 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp of lemon. In addition you can also add honey and lemon tea into you, but you need to know, tannins and caffeine in black tea can cause digestive discomfort, therefore you can find low-tannin tea and caffeine.

THE BENEFIT Honey and lemon Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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