Jumat, 12 September 2014

How to whiten your teeth naturally

Interesting and pleasant smile is a smile that is also accompanied by a row of teeth are neat and clean. Clean teeth, not necessarily its bright color or white, and vice versa. But unfortunately not all people have brilliant white teeth like those of the people who advertise toothpaste. Teeth tend to yellow or bright does not usually make us less confident and insecure, especially if we are among the people who have teeth that are bright and clean. To get white teeth and bright, people mistakenly thought as brushing your teeth is not strong enough. By doing so, many who brushed their teeth over backwards to make clean white teeth. Though not so, even brushing your teeth with a strong force to attenuate emasil teeth and is not good for the teeth. By doing so, brushing teeth over backwards is not the solution to whiten teeth using toothpaste especially with that too much. And worse, the research proved that use too much toothpaste and swallowed toothpaste that can lower IQ. To get white teeth clean and bright, now no longer a difficult thing to obtain. Now the teeth are white and cersih will be yours. Here are some tips and ways you can do to make bright and white teeth clean in a way that is natural and safe:

Ways to whiten your teeth naturally

Rubbing the teeth with strawberries. Strawberry fruit could actually whiten teeth, how, crush strawberries (not to subtle) then rub on our teeth. Do it regularly and feel the results.

Rub with orange peel. Without us knowing it, the skin contains jerukpun can whiten teeth. It is very easy, by rubbing fresh orange peel, on our teeth. Orange peel is rubbed the inside.

By chewing a carrot. The content of its can remove plaque and whiten teeth when we chew.

By chewing apples. Besides apples contain vitamins that many also have content that can lift stains and plaque on the teeth. Rutinlah eating apples every day because it can naturally whiten teeth when we chew.

Brush your teeth regularly and properly. You need to consider that not brushing your teeth too strong because it can damage your tooth enamel.

Smearing with lemon juice. Lemon, in addition to good to brighten the skin, can also be applied on your teeth, the lemon juice is applied to your teeth and wait a while before brushing teeth.

How to whiten your teeth naturally Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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