Minggu, 07 September 2014

Benefits of Green Tea For Health And Beauty

Benefits of Green Tea For Health And Beauty 
Benefits of Green Tea For Health And Beauty

Tea is one kind of plant that has so many benefits that benefit and nourish the body. Tea has been around since time immemorial and are consumed by almost all people in the world because it's also a wide range of benefits and its benefits. Tea has a wide variety of types. Ranging from green tea, original tea, jasmine tea, and much more. Tea is taken from the leaves on the tip or the bud. Tea commonly consumed beverages by means used, or also used as a complement and a flavor enhancer in many foods. Tea is not only served in a glass cup or in the packaging alone. now, a variety of foods also have tea flavor ice cream flavors such as tea, tea pancakes, tea cake, even tea is also used as an ingredient in beauty products such as tea scrub, tea mask, face cream tea, and much more. Any of various types of tea that there is green tea that has very many properties and benefits are very good for health and beauty. No wonder why many people search and tea are consumed every day. Tea also has a very soothing aroma, refreshing, and makes us more relaxed and fresh. Tea is also used as aromatherapy to relieve stress and fatigue. In addition to the benefits of these benefits, tea also has various properties that might not yet know. What are the benefits of green tea that may not yet know? 

Here's the explanation: 
benefits of green tea for health and beauty 
green tea 

Preventing cancer 
Tea is believed to have a high enough kandunngan antioxidants that can fight free radicals that can lead to several types of cancer. Thus, consumption of tea can also prevent cancer. 

Helps lose weight 
Green tea is also believed to be able to lose weight. Consuming this tea every day can reduce your weight if done regularly and keep exercising. 

Reducing heart disease 
Green tea may help reduce the risk of heart disease among those who may be experiencing heart disease or those who are doing prevention, consume green tea on a regular basis. 

Lowering LDL cholesterol 
Whether you are one of those who have high cholesterol? Green tea is believed to lower bad LDL on cholesterol. 

Preventing skin cancer 
A research has shown that those who consume 2-3 cups of green tea every day to get 65% less likely to develop skin cancer. 

As an anti-aging 
Green tea has powerful antioxidants that can be applied to your face to clean the skin from free radicals so that the skin will be fresher, healthier and younger looking. 

Inhibits premature aging 
In addition to inhibiting the aging of the skin, green tea can also tighten the skin, increase the elasticity and inhibits degradation and aging. 

Rejuvenate skin cells 
Green tea is very good for our skin, especially facial skin. Green tea is also able to regenerate skin cells and lift dead skin cells to be replaced with a new one. 

In addition to anti-inflammatory, green tea can also be as an anti-acne, redness, and other skin problems. 

A calming influence 
Green tea is commonly used as aromatherapy because it has a scent that can make us calm and reduce stress or fatigue in mind.

Benefits of Green Tea For Health And Beauty Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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