Sabtu, 13 September 2014

How to Growing hair faster

How to Grow Hair - Hair that bald can actually be solved in various ways, one of them is how to grow hair naturally. Although using only natural ingredients but the way proven to grow hair quickly when applied on a regular basis. Need I point out to you that hair loss is a natural thing if in small amounts, because our hair has a life. But when hair loss occurs in significant amounts should be aware that not cause baldness.

Nowadays a lot of products that claimed to grow hair fast, but we suggest you should not try to use the product because not infrequently of these products contain chemicals that can have a bad effect on the health of your scalp.

Well, how to grow hair naturally is the best solution that you should try because it is certainly a safe manner. However, this method requires a process and a long time, so you must be patient in order to obtain satisfactory results.

How to Grow Hair
How to Grow Hair

1 Aloe vera
The trick is to take the meat and rub aloe vera on your scalp hair or bald. If you've been waiting for several hours and rinse thoroughly. This way you can apply 3 times a day in one week.

2 Seed Pecan
The trick is to grind hazelnut taste, smooth after taste boiled with water to remove the oil. Then use the oil to rub on the bald hair. Wait a few hours after that rinse your hair. You can apply this method 2 times a week.

3 Green Tea
The trick is, let stand first green tea water during the night, the morning after using the tea when applied to the scalp hair while gently massaging done. If it is wrap your head with a towel and wait 20 minutes then wash your head. This way you can apply 3 times a week.

4. Leather apple
The trick is to membalurkan skin apple puree that has been in your hair, if it is wait until 15- 20 minutes and wash with water.

5. Coconut Oil
The trick is to membalurkan virgin coconut oil on the hair that is balding.

6 Eggs
The trick is, whisk the egg yolks briefly. If it had been smeared on the hair on your head while doing the massage up to 10-15 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo that fishy smell of eggs bisal lost. You can apply this way 3-4 times a week.

Those are some natural ingredients as well as how to grow hair naturally and fast. But make sure you do it with a regular manner so that results can be seen. Such health tips on how to grow hair naturally and fast that we convey, the above information may be useful for you all.

How to Growing hair faster Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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