Sabtu, 13 September 2014

Avocado Fruits for Health Benefits

Avocado is a fruit with flesh that is very soft and has a flavor that is somewhat 'plain' avocado usually consumed with brown sugar, mix fruit ice, as well as avocado or iced drinks are also the most unusual or most commonly consumed as a juice. However, the avocado is not only and not always associated with food or drinks are sugary sweet. For example, sushi is one food that is typical of Japanese rice rolls with stuffing in the middle and rolled with seaweed sheet sheet is also often incorporate avocado into the middle as stuffing or as a complement. Avocado with a sweet taste salty and not this make it flexible to be mixed or used as food anything. be it for food sweetened with sugar and milk, or salty foods as well as mixed with a variety of dishes or as a complement. 

Apparently, the fruit that has a green color on the skin and flesh are light green to yellow to contain 
many beneficial for our health. Avocado is also used as an addition to a wide variety of food and drinks, often used as a complement or a mixture of cosmetics because it implies that the benefits and also good for the health of our face, such as a face mask and mask oily hair. Moreover, what are the benefits of avocado that we may not know? Here are some benefits. 
avocado fruit for health benefits 
benefits of avocado 

Prevention of prostate cancer cells 
Compounds contained in the avocado was able to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. Not only that, it turns out avocados are also able to search for pre-cancerous cells and destroy them without damaging healthy cells. 
Protection of breast cancer 
The content that is in avocado, such as olive oil, superbly proven to prevent breast cancer, because it has a lot of oleic acid content. 
For eye health 
Avocados contain more lutein, a carotenoid content of the fruit compared with other commonly consumed fruit. Which is very good for eye health. 
Lowering cholesterol levels 
Avocados are also capable of lowering cholesterol levels in the body. In one study, as many as 45 volunteers have cholesterol decreased by 17% in just a week eating avocado. 
sources glutathione 
Avocados are also an excellent source for glutathione, which is an excellent antioxidant for the prevention of aging, cancer, and heart disease. 
The best source of Vitamin E 
Avocado is believed to be the best source of vitamin E can protect against many diseases and is good for overall health. 
Good for heart health 
The content contained in avocados as vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, and glutathione good for heart health. In addition, it is also rich in folate recommended value.

Avocado Fruits for Health Benefits Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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